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Dr. Keiichi Hagiwara

I first encountered osteopathy when I was in my 20s. I read Dr. Andrew Weil’s book, “Spontaneous Healing: How to Discover and Enhance Your Body’s Natural Ability to Maintain and Heal Itself.”
I admire the holistic approach of osteopathy. It investigates the cause and maximizes the natural healing power of the body. I was deeply impressed by the story of Dr. Fulford, an osteopathic doctor introduced in the book. It guided me to read his book, “Dr. Fulford’s Touch of Life: The Healing Power of the Natural Life Force.”
I decided to study osteopathy and enrolled at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology in Australia to pursue my studies earnestly.
After five years of training in Australia, I was certified as a Master of Osteopathy. Since returning to Japan, I have practiced osteopathy and taught at schools and seminars worldwide.
As an osteopath, I have had the pleasure of supporting the health of many clients and witnessing their lives change dramatically. Through osteopathy, I will continue to help people achieve a healthy life.

Dr. Keiichi Hagiwara
Dr. Keiichi Hagiwara(Osteopath)
B.App.Sc.(Comp.Med.),M.Ost., MRO(J)

Dr. Hagiwara is a graduate of the RMIT University (Melbourne, Australia) in 2004 and completed the Master program in 2007. He travels the world teaching and studying with some of the very best in the world.

He is well versed in all aspects of both direct and indirect technique, but he has been actively training in hands-on Traditional Osteopathy under the mentorship of Dr.James Jealous DO and Veronique Everarts since 2013 and has completed all 9 levels of Biodynamic View of Osteopathy in the Cranial Field as well as post graduate courses in Pediatrics course with Dr.James Jealous DO. He also completed 3 years program Bavarian Pediatric School & Clinic for Traditional Osteopathy in Germany.

He is attending and Free Osteopathic Children’s Clinic in conjunction with the Dominica School and Orphanage in La Urena Dominican Republic.

M.Ost. = Master of Osteopaths

MRO(J) = Member of Registered Osteopaths (Japan)

It is a trademarked standard for the Japan Osteopathic Federation Certified Osteopath, which is given to those who have passed the written and practical examinations conducted by the Japan Osteopathic Federation (JOF), and means that they are certified as osteopaths with safety, knowledge, skill, and ethics.

Osteopathy Centre Carrot

Minamicho Parkside Village E103, 1-25-11,
Kichijojiminami-cho, Musashino-shi, Tokyo, Japan. 180-003

Clinic Opening Hours: from 10:00am to 6:00pm (last appointment is 5:00pm)
Closed : 10th, 20th and 30th of each month. It may be closed irregularly.
TEL: 0422-69-3240 (available in English)

In the case of calling, please leave the message or inquiry with ‘name’ ‘telephone number’, and 3 choice of ‘preferable date and time’ for the treatment to the answering machine.


First visit fee ¥3,000
Re-examination (over one year from last visit) ¥3,000

Adult ¥7,000
Child (under the age of 15 years) ¥5,000

Home visitation

Home visitation is available, if you live in the Kichijoji area.
treatment fee and 1,000 yen per person
(If parking fees are required, we charge the actual cost.)

If you live far away, we will charge you treatment fee and 1,000 yen per person, plus transportation and parking fees.
Visits to distant areas are available with a minimum of 3 people.



Osteopathic Medicine

“Osteopathy is a way of allowing the body to heal itself
by balancing and aligning musculoskeletal structures
and taking pressure off nerves, blood, the intrinsic physician,
can be distributed to all parts of the body.”

A.T. Still

Enhancing natural healing power and self-regulation

Osteopathy is a manual therapy founded by Dr. A.T. Still in the United States in 1874 and is based on the following principles.
(1) The body is a unit that functions as a whole.
(2) Distortion of the structure affects its function, and conversely, the function also affects distortion of the structure.
(3) The human body has natural healing power and self-regulation.
The word osteopathy was coined by its founder, Dr. A.T. Still, from the Greek words “osteon,” meaning bone, and “pathos,” meaning treatment or disease.
The term was defined by its founder, Dr.A.T. Still, as “treatment using the properties of bones (living structures)” by combining the Greek words “osteon,” which means bone, and “pathos,” which means treatment or disease.
Osteopathy was recognized as a medical qualification in the U.S. in 1910 and later spread to the rest of Europe. It is also highly regarded by the WHO in alternative medicine.

Considering the entire body as “one unit”

We use the traditional osteopathic method of Biodynamics osteopathy, which views the entire body as a single unit.
A disease is not caused only by manifestations. When the body is subjected to stress from heredity, trauma, chemicals, psychological trauma, life circumstances, and bad habits, it tries to maintain balance through self-regulation. However, when the balance is lost, physical and mental illnesses and symptoms of a disease appear.
In other words, not only one part of the body becomes ill, but the entire body is affected by various stresses in our daily life, and as a result, the whole body is affected.

Everyone has natural healing power

In osteopathy, techniques are used to draw out and optimize the “natural healing power” inherent in everyone.
For example, when harmful bacteria or viruses enter the body, white blood cells automatically fight them. When the skin is cut, platelets work to close the wound. When a bone is fractured, as long as the fracture fragments are kept together, the callus (glue) comes out from the fracture end and binds the bones together tightly. When the lower spine turns to the right, the upper spine turns to the left to maintain balance.
Osteopathy recognizes the complete integrity of the human body, synchronizes with our natural healing powers, and facilitates the healing process, freeing us from the symptoms of physical and mental illness and disease and returning us to our true selves.

Please consult us when you have any of these symptoms.

  • Children

    developmental disorders, reflux esophagus, learning disabilities, ADHD, autism, post-vaccination

  • Pregnant women

    perinatal period: morning sickness, breech birth, preparation for delivery, postpartum depression, hypothyroidism

  • Adults:

    reflux esophagus, indeterminate complaints, menstrual pain, depression, autonomic failure, sequelae of surgery, sinusitis, acute dementia, etc.

Osteopathy draws out natural healing power through manual techniques.
It is safe for children, adults, and even pregnant women.
Please feel free to consult us.



History of Osteopathy

Founded by Dr. A.T.Still in 1874, Osteopathy was passed on to his direct disciple,
William Garner Sutherland D.0., and spread worldwide. Osteopathy entered Japan in 1910.
Osteopathy’s philosophy and treatment techniques have been passed down from hand to hand through the ages.
Introducing the lineage of Osteopathy that Dr.Hagiwara inherited and the three representative predecessors he looks up to as his teachers.

Andrew Taylor Still, M.D.

Dr. Still was a physician, but after he lost three children to meningitis, his inability to save them through medical treatment led him to question the medical treatment of the time.
During his 25 years of research, he discovered that patients with any disease always have musculoskeletal abnormalities affecting circulation.
And this, in turn, causes problems in the circulatory system.
He became convinced that nature was the only doctor man should respect.
On June 22, 1874 (10:00 a.m.), he discovered osteopathy.

William Garner Sutherland, D.O.

Dr. Sutherland was a direct student of Dr. Still. As a student, he focused on the connections between the skull bones. He hypothesized that the skull is also related to respiration.
After that, he continued his research. He discovered that the fused and hardened skulls have slight movements that resemble breathing and that the breathing-like movements of the skull are related to body fluids.
After about 50 years of clinical practice, he established osteopathy in the cranial field.

James Jealous, D.O.
1943 - 2021

Over the years, Jim Jealous, D.O., has achieved extraordinary results with his skillful techniques. Many patients have traveled from around the world to receive his treatment.
Jim began teaching medical students in 1973, and joined the University of New England School of Osteopathic Medicine faculty in 1978.
Jim also became the director of the Sutherland Cranial Teaching Foundation. In 1992, he created his program, later known as “Biodynamics of Osteopathy”.
Jim has taught osteopathic courses all over the world. Jim has been an instructor and member of osteopathic associations and study groups worldwide, teaching thousands of osteopathic medical students and physicians. The program continues to this day.

In addition, Jim’s love for children has taken him to establish pediatric clinics in London, Switzerland, Austria, Bavaria, Russia, Brazil, the Dominican Republic, and many other countries, helping many children and their families. It still operates as a beautiful legacy.

Dr. Hagiwara with James Jealous, D.O. in 2019, Gold Beach Oregon in U.S.A.